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How Big is Tamriel?

Tamriel, the fictional continent within the Elder Scrolls universe, has long been a source of fascination for gamers and lore enthusiasts alike. This sprawling and diverse landmass serves as the backdrop for the popular Elder Scrolls series of video games. As we delve into the heart of this captivating world, one question looms large: How big is Tamriel? In this article, we will embark on a journey through the rich landscapes and regions of Tamriel to understand its sheer size and the mysteries it holds.

Understanding the Scale of Tamriel

To comprehend the true magnitude of Tamriel, we must consider both its geographical expanse and its historical significance. Let’s break down these aspects:

The Geography of Tamriel

Tamriel is a continent with a wide range of climates, terrains, and cultures. It is made up of nine distinct provinces, each with its unique characteristics:

  1. Skyrim: The frosty tundras of Skyrim are known for their rugged landscapes, snow-covered mountains, and Nordic culture.
  2. Cyrodiil: The heart of the Empire, Cyrodiil, boasts lush forests, rolling plains, and the iconic White-Gold Tower.
  3. Morrowind: This volcanic region is characterized by ashen plains, towering mushrooms, and the enigmatic Dunmer people.
  4. Hammerfell: With its arid deserts and coastal cities, Hammerfell is home to the resilient Redguards.
  5. High Rock: A land of feudal kingdoms and towering cliffs, High Rock is known for its Breton inhabitants.
  6. Black Marsh: An inhospitable swamp inhabited by the Argonians, Black Marsh is shrouded in mystery.
  7. Elsweyr: A desert realm inhabited by the Khajiit, Elsweyr is known for its vast sand dunes and moon sugar production.
  8. Valenwood: This dense, forested province is home to the Bosmer and their treetop cities.
  9. Summerset Isles: The ancestral home of the High Elves, Summerset Isles are characterized by pristine beaches and elegant architecture.


The Historical Significance of Tamriel

Tamriel’s history is rich and complex, with countless wars, alliances, and dynasties shaping its fate. The continent’s central role in the Elder Scrolls lore cannot be overstated. Key historical events, such as the Oblivion Crisis and the Great War, have left lasting impacts on the land and its inhabitants.

Measuring the Size of Tamriel

Now that we have an overview of Tamriel’s geography and historical importance, let’s dive into the specifics of its size and dimensions.

Estimations of Tamriel’s Size

It’s important to note that the Elder Scrolls series does not provide explicit measurements for the size of Tamriel. Instead, fans and scholars have made estimations based on in-game clues, lore references, and comparative analyses with real-world geography.

Comparison with Real-World Continents

Many have attempted to gauge Tamriel’s size by comparing it to real-world continents. Some suggest that it could be roughly equivalent in size to Europe, while others argue for a larger landmass, potentially on par with Asia. However, these comparisons remain speculative, as the Elder Scrolls universe operates on its own set of rules. You can also read Texas Womanā€™s Viral Video Shows How to Bust a Credit Card Skimmer

In-Game Travel Time

Another approach to estimating Tamriel’s size is by considering the time it takes to travel from one end to the other in the games. While the in-game maps are scaled-down representations, players can still get a sense of the continent’s relative size. For example, the journey from the northern province of Skyrim to the southern province of Elsweyr in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim takes a significant amount of in-game time.

Tamriel’s Changing Shape

One intriguing aspect of Tamriel’s size is its dynamic nature across different Elder Scrolls games. The continent’s depiction has evolved over the years, with each game offering a slightly altered interpretation of its geography. This fluidity adds to the mystique of Tamriel and keeps players engaged in exploring its ever-changing landscapes.

The Lore of Tamriel

The Elder Scrolls universe is renowned for its extensive lore and world-building, and Tamriel is at the center of it all. Let’s delve into some of the lore elements that contribute to the perception of Tamriel’s size.

The Tamrielic Empire

The Tamrielic Empire, under the rule of the Septim and Mede dynasties, has been a dominant force in Tamriel’s history. The expansion and contraction of the Empire’s territory have had a profound impact on the perception of Tamriel’s size. At its height, the Empire controlled most of the continent, including Cyrodiil and its surrounding provinces.

Mythical Lands and Hidden Realms

Tamriel is not just a physical land; it is also a realm of myths and hidden dimensions. The existence of realms such as Oblivion and Aetherius, alongside mythical lands like Sovngarde and the Far Shores, adds depth to Tamriel’s lore. These otherworldly realms extend the sense of vastness beyond the physical continent.


In our quest to answer the question, “How big is Tamriel?” we have uncovered the complexity of this fascinating continent. While we may never have an exact measurement of its size, the depth of its geography, history, and lore makes Tamriel feel immeasurably vast. The ever-evolving nature of the Elder Scrolls series ensures that there will always be more to explore and discover within this enigmatic world.

As players and lore enthusiasts continue to traverse Tamriel in future Elder Scrolls installments, one thing remains certain: the allure of this sprawling continent will persist, captivating our imaginations and inviting us to uncover its many secrets. Whether we measure Tamriel in square miles or the rich tapestry of its stories, its size will forever remain a subject of wonder and speculation.



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