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How Does Acne Form on Your Body?

Acne is a widespread skin condition that affects 85 per cent of 15- to 24-year-old Australians. Teens are at a phase where they want to look their best, and even very mild acne can cause tremendous damage and distressĀ to self-esteem and confidence. Acne affects an estimated 95-100 per cent of 16-17-year-old Australian boys and 83-85 per cent of 16-17-year-old Australian girls. The most severe period occurs between the ages of 14 and 17 for girls and 16 and 19 for guys. After adolescence, the incidence falls gradually. About 20 per cent of people may continue to face the condition in some manner. At 40, an estimatedĀ 5% of women and 1% of men continue to experience acne lesions. But to get theĀ best acne treatment in Australia, you must know about it.

What triggers acne?

During puberty, rising hormone levels may cause acne. Also, acne is frequently hereditary. Additional acne causes can include theĀ following:

  • Changes in hormone levels occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  • Changes in hormones during pregnancy
  • Starting or discontinuing birth control pills.
  • Various medications (likeĀ lithium,Ā corticosteroids,Ā and barbiturates)
  • Grease and oilĀ from the scalp, cooking or mineral oil, and some cosmetics can clog pores.
  • Diet may also be a factor.
  • Squeezing or cleaning the skin too vigorously might aggravate acne. Additionally, friction or pressure from backpacks,Ā helmets,Ā or tight collars can irritate the skin. Pollution and dampness also can irritate the skin.

What are the symptoms?

Acne can manifest as pimples withoutĀ pus-filled cysts or abscessesĀ that burst and form larger abscesses. It can form on any part of the human body. However, acne arises more frequently in places with a heavy proportion of sebaceous glands, such as:

  • Face
  • Chest
  • Upper back
  • Shoulders
  • Neck

AcneĀ may appear similar to other skin disorders. Always consult a healthcare professional for a diagnosis.

How is acne dealt with?

Your healthcare professional will evaluate your overall health, age,Ā the severity of your acne, and other factors to determine the most effective treatment for you. Acne treatment focuses on reducing scars and enhancing attractiveness. It is possible to treat acne with topical or oral medications. Some of these medications require a prescription from your doctor. In certain instances, a mixture of both types of treatments may be recommended.

Is acne preventable?

Acne is triggered by hormonal fluctuations that occur naturally during adolescence. This makes acne prevention extremely difficult, if not impossible. However, avoiding acne-causing chemicals may be helpful. This includes certain pharmaceuticals (lithium,Ā corticosteroids,Ā and barbiturates),Ā cooking or mineralĀ oil, and cosmetics. Additionally, everyday shampooing prevents oil and grease from the scalp from transferring to the face or back. Treating acne early may keep it from worsening and leaving scars.

Myths regarding acne

Acne is one of the least understood skin disorders despite being among the most prevalent. There are numerous myths and misunderstandings concerning it:

An unhealthy diet triggers acne.

To date, no foods have been identified by researchers as causing acne. A healthy, well-balanced diet is advised because it benefits the heart and overall health.

Acne is brought on by filthy skin and improper hygiene.

Most of the biochemical responses that cause acne happen underĀ the skin; thus, the cleanliness of your body has no impact on your acne. Cleaning your face more frequently than twice a day may irritate your skin.

Acne typically disappears in early adulthood, while some people continue to suffer from it until adulthood, so talk to your dermatologist about getting the best acne treatment in Australia. Your healthcare practitioner or a board-certified dermatologist can assist in treating this challenging condition.



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