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HomeTechTechnologyInventHelp CEO Robert Susa On Why Great Inventions Come From Difficult Situations

InventHelp CEO Robert Susa On Why Great Inventions Come From Difficult Situations

Innovation is a key part of the InventHelp business, and President and CEO Robert Susa knows that great inventions often come from difficult situations. In this interview, Susa shares his insights on why being in a tough spot can be so beneficial, and how InventHelp helps inventors turn their impossible dreams into reality.

InventHelp CEO Robert Susa On the Importance of Difficult Situations

As the CEO of InventHelp, Robert Susa has seen firsthand the power of difficult situations to produce great inventions. He recently spoke about this concept at an innovation conference in Germany, and shared some valuable insights on what makes an invention great.

Susa explained that great inventions come from situations where thereā€™s a conflict or a challenge thatā€™s been overcome. He said that when these obstacles are faced head-on, innovative ideas can be born.

According to Susa, itā€™s important for inventors to be open to new possibilities and be willing to take risks. This mindset can lead to breakthroughs in innovation, he said.

Inventors also need to be persistent and never give up, Susa added. He noted that while it may seem impossible at first, eventually all obstacles will be overcome and great inventions will be created.

How InventHelp Measures Success

InventHelp CEO Robert Susa discusses how the company measures success. “We try to focus on the innovation, rather than just the products that we create,” he says. “We believe that it is important to have a culture of innovation and creativity.” The company’s main goals are to help inventors achieve their dreams and to build a positive legacy for themselves and their families.

What Makes a Great Invention?

“Great inventions come from difficult situations,” says InventHelp CEO Robert Susa. “The best inventions are the result of someone being challenged, pushed out of their comfort zone, and coming up with something new.

Susa’s theory is based on his own experience as an inventor. “I’ve been involved in over 100 inventions, and I can tell you that most of them came from tough situations,” he says. Invention is a process of discovery, and it’s not easy to come up with new ideas. You have to be willing to experiment and take risks.

One example of a difficult situation that led to an invention is Susa’s experience in the aerospace industry. He worked on aircraft design projects for years before he came up with the idea for a water-resistant aircraft fabric. “It took many rejections and several failed prototypes before I finally got my idea accepted, he says. If it weren’t for those tough experiences, I might not have gone on to invent other products, like the InventHelp Invention Service.

Susa’s advice for anyone looking to create a successful invention is simple: don’t give up easily. “Start by taking small steps and working on something that’s manageable,” he says. If you can make small progress, you’ll be more likely to keep going when things get tougher.

The Role of Prototyping in Innovation

Innovation is often thought of as a process that starts with a great idea and culminates in a product or service that customers can use. But that’s not always the case. In fact, many great inventions come from difficult situations.

Take the mobile phone, for example. When the first cell phones were developed, they required a wired connection to the phone network. But this made them heavy and bulky. So, in order to make the mobile phone more portable and usable, engineers at Motorola developed the prototype cellphone without a built-in network connection. They called this prototype the ā€œigatorā€ and it was a huge success.

Prototyping is important in innovation because it allows engineers to test their ideas before they actually build them. By doing this, they can find any problems with their design early on and fix them before they become insurmountable problems later on. And by creating multiple prototypes, they can find the best way to market their product or service to potential customers.

What’s Next for InventHelp?

InventHelp CEO Robert Susa provides insight on what makes a great invention and how difficult situations can provide the perfect environment for creativity. Susa discusses how InventHelp is working to support inventors and help them turn their ideas into successful products.


InventHelp CEO Robert Susa has a lot of wisdom to share about the importance of difficult situations in inspiring great inventions. In a recent interview with Entrepreneur, Susa discusses how he was inspired to found his company after experiencing difficult times firsthand and learning the value of perseverance. He emphasizes that it is important to have failures as part of your success story, as this will help you learn from your mistakes and build on the successes. Great inventors like Thomas Edison didn’t always have easy lives, and what they achieved reflects that fact. If you are looking for inspiration or guidance about starting or growing your business, be sure to read this interview.



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