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HomeHome ImprovementUnderstanding Parapet Wall Roofing

Understanding Parapet Wall Roofing

Parapets have transformed since they were initially built for use in castle designs. Parapets also called parapet walls to refer to the raised barriers that are at the edge of roofs. Parapet walls are usually extensions of the main wall of a structure and can act as a railing or barricade on the roof. There is a chance that you may have come across a flat roof with parapet.

Remember that most parapets tend to have a built-in drainage system known as a scupper. This makes them crucial when it comes to flat roof design and construction. Since there are many flat roofs around, many roofing contractors have good knowledge of parapets. These roofing walls have been there long before there were modern roof replacement practices. In this article, you will learn about parapet wall roofing.

Parapet wall roofing

Parapet walls are usually categorized by design style and operational shape. The design of these walls tends to be associated with their functionality. And, different designs can make the appearance of the whole structure feel entirely different.

Some people consider embattled parapets to be the original parapet wall style. You should note that embattled parapet walls were initially utilized for the defense of castles, buildingsā€™ military defense, and sometimes for entire towns and countries. For example, embattled parapets were used on the side of Chinaā€™s Great Wall.

There are gaps between the raised parts of embattled parapets known as creels. The whole wall offered an archer cover and the creel provided them with a safe place to shoot the arrows. Today, you cannot find embattled parapet walls anymore, though they tend to give an older building a historic and beautiful feel.

During ancient times, the embattled wall was regarded as the most popular, but plain parapet walls are now available nowadays, especially in modern building construction. This is an architectural style that seems boring, but donā€™t underestimate its value.

Remember that plain styles can have a variety of materials, though they are usually constructed with concrete. A plain parapet wall comes without gaps like an embattled wall. This is the reason why most designers like them, particularly if rooftop privacy is their goal.

There are also perforated parapets that have similar purposes as plain designs. This design can provide increased value to your roof line. And, a perforated parapet wall can have gaps or not throughout the wall.

The perforated design means that the wall itself can have some design elements that you can build directly into the exterior. This allows you to increase the curb appeal of your home. Good examples of these include circles, arches, and various religious symbols.

There are also paneled or double walls that refer to parapet walls that are quite similar to perforated designs. This is because they often have a plain base with cosmetic additions to the wallā€™s exterior to help the outside look different. In most cases, paneled designs are basic compared to perforated walls.

When it comes to shape, you can find flat parapet walls which are usually found on a flat roof surface. Most people think about these walls when they intend to sit on a flat roof.

You can also find sloped parapets that are common on sloped roofs like gable roofs. The sloped wall follows the roofā€™s slope, offering architectural depth to your building or home.

Also, there are stepped parapet walls that you can find on both pitched roofs and flat rooftops. When you find them on pitched roofs, they can be similar to a sloped parapet because they follow the slope of the roof. The major difference between these two types is that a stepped parapet has steps rather than straight-lined slope style.

When stepped parapet walls are utilized on flat roofs, the base of the parapet remains flat, though the wall is often constructed in steps to reach the top of the apex. This blueprint can offer your building a great appearance. This is the reason why they are usually used in government buildings and older churches.

Just like a stepped design, a curved parapet shape has a curve rather than steps. This means that they follow the slope of pitched roofs or the line of a flat roof. Remember that a curved parapet design has a circular curving shape rather than a straight line.

Uses of parapet walls

There are many good reasons why you should have parapet walls. One of the reasons is that they provide an aesthetic value. A flat parapet on modern housesā€™ roofs can significantly enhance the curb appeal of your home. In other words, a nicely built rooftop parapet wall can transform the feel and look of your building. No wonder, many property owners prefer using paneled and perforated designs instead of plain designs to improve the appearance of their buildings.

There is no homeowner who likes noisy neighbors, especially if you live in urban areas where neighbors may live close to your space. Some people can feel like there is an invasion of privacy. And, rooftop plants can just cover a little from the sight of your neighbor. If you want more coverage, then you must have a roof wall parapet.

You can have a parapet exterior wall that goes along the roof. This can help you to change your rooftop space into a more secluded area. And, if you have a roof deck patio that you use regularly when you have free time, then privacy is crucial.

Aside from hiding your activities from the prying eyes of your neighbors, roof barriers also help to cover up some objects like service hatches and HVAC to give your commercial space or home a clean-cut appearance.

As mentioned earlier, a parapet wall was originally used to improve safety. If your building has a flat roof, then there are good chances that you and your loved ones can visit and meet in the roofing area. This can be fun and offer the best views of your surroundings. Quite often, people can sometimes get very close to the edge, so they risk falling off. Having a parapet wall is a great solution to these because it can be hard for a person to fall off accidentally.



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