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Rest isn’t just sleep.5 types of rest that connect you with your emotions

How many times have you felt tired even though you went to bed at 10pm? Sleep and rest are two notions that imply different meanings. Have you ever felt lethargic, sleepy or irritable during the day, even though you took a nap in the afternoon? Most people don’t know that the mind and body also need rest to function at full capacity. So burnout also occurs because we don’t really understand what rest entails.

Rest means art therapy, connection with emotions and people

Discover in the next 3 minutes what types of rest are essential for a high quality of life.

Did you know that rest can be both active and passive?Put your body to work

Nature walks, aerobic exercise or jogging are the best activities to balance the stress hormone and boost dopamine.Ā Passive rest is about sleep itself as well as yoga, meditation, massage, stretching.Ā WithĀ electric massage chairsĀ on Fujiiryoki.co.uk you benefit from the effects of passive and active rest, thanks to dozens of massage programmes and techniques. TheĀ full body massage chairsĀ offer roller massage and hot air cushions, stretching massage that stimulate blood circulation, increase flexibility and eliminate muscle stress.

50 minutes work and 10 minutes break

If you’re used to working continuously and forgetting about breaks, then it shouldn’t surprise you that your productivity is significantly reduced.What’s the best thing to do during breaks so that you come back with your batteries recharged? First of all, put away your phone, laptop and all that screen stuff. Go for a short walk to oxygenate your brain, have a 15-minute massage, have a snack or simply socialise.

Rest involves distancing yourself from information, sounds, scents

At least once a week you should isolate yourself, away from the urban crowd, devices, people or even certain habits. Do you find evenings spent on Netflix relaxing? Establish a new therapy ritual. Retreat to a quiet place, you can go outside somewhere where the sounds of nature are the only background sound. That’s resting your senses.

Creative rest develops a new perspective on life

Devote your free time to artistic, creative, hobby-type activities. You can experience the therapeutic benefits of art through painting, hand-made activities, practising a musical instrument or dancing. Try painting by numbers or pick up an adult colouring book. Colouring books are not just for children. As proof, there are plenty of intricately designed colouring books available in shops to suit all preferences.

Spiritual rest and its underestimated effects

Few people know the importance and role of spiritual rest. Even fewer take this type of rest seriously. Spiritual rest involves the ability toĀ connect with your emotions. Start volunteering, pray, get involved in your community.

The 5 people you spend most of your time with influence the quality of your life

Have you noticed how exhausted you feel after returning from an event you were forced to attend? Have you felt how interactions with negative people simply suck the energy out of you? Develop bonds with people who share common views on life. Surround yourself with people who give you energy, confidence and inspire you to evolve.

In conclusion, the 8-hour sleep schedule is insufficient to prevent burnout. Adopt those habits in your daily routine that tick off all types of rest.




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